
When you give to Greenpoint Reformed Church, you’re transforming lives. Your donations provide:

  • worship that’s authentic, meaningful and has music with a beat
  • programs for children and families
  • pastoral care for people in crisis
  • a building that’s shared with the wider community so organizations like AA, Ghost Bike Memorials, and the Fem-Kit Campaign have a place.

We have two ways you can donate to us online with your credit card or bank information: Faithstreet or PayPal. You can give a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly donation on either site.

Donate via PayPal  or Donate via Faithstreet

Give online to Greenpoint Reformed Church

You can also write a check payable to
The Greenpoint Reformed Church.

Mail donations to:
Greenpoint Reformed Church
136 Milton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222

The Greenpoint Reformed Church Hunger Program provides no-cost groceries and a weekly hot meal to hungry people in North Brooklyn. It takes $4,000 per week to feed all these people. Much of the money comes from government food programs, but we still need $1,500 per week for additional food and things like utilities, building maintenance, volunteer coordination and overall administration.

Donate to the hunger program

If you can, please consider becoming a sustaining donor by making a monthly gift this provides the Hunger Program with a consistent and reliable source of funding that allows us to plan ahead.

You can also write a check payable to Greenpoint Reformed Church Hunger Program.